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Where is REPAY’s corporate headquarters?
What is REPAY’s ticker symbol?
On which exchange is REPAY traded?
When did REPAY go public?
How can I purchase shares of REPAY?
Does REPAY pay a dividend on its stock?
When does REPAY’s fiscal year end?
Who is REPAY’s transfer agent?
Who is REPAY’s independent auditor?
Where is REPAY incorporated?
What is REPAY’s CUSIP number?
What is REPAY’s SIC number?
How do I contact Investor Relations?
Atlanta, Georgia
REPAY (f/k/a Thunder Bridge Acquisition, Ltd.), a publicly traded company formed for the purpose of effecting a business combination, completed its acquisition of REPAY (f/k/a Hawk Parent Holdings LLC) on July 11, 2019.
You must contact a registered broker to invest in the common stock of RPAY.
December 31st
Continental Stock Transfer & Trust Company
Grant Thornton LLP
State of Delaware
REPAY'S CUSIP number is 76029L 100
REPAY's SIC number is 7389